I had a chance to practice last week and futz with my gear. It was a blast. I wanted to share with you a little clip of something I did. Some of you have seen it, others might not be aware. I've been posting more to Instagram than Facebook or Twitter. Anyways, that's another blog topic. :)
Today I'm back in school. We're getting that "final project" to close out the semester. In my oral communications class our last project is on "solving a problem" in our field or area of study. I've got things to talk about! But what to choose? Running the business part of it while still being able to focus on the creative side? Making a lucrative business doing music independently? Staying organized (only took me six years to figure out). I could talk royalties too. There's a problem to be solved! (laughs).
BTW. The picture above is Mason in the car telling me to turn around because he lost his head. I feel that way on occasion. Thought it might make you chuckle.
Check out my Instagram video clip here > https://www.instagram.com/k.scully/